Building language & culture
Carly Klein adviseert, traint en coacht schooldirecties en docenten teams in het opzetten en invoeren van een meertalig onderwijsprogramma.
Zij combineert culturele aspecten met taaltrainingen voor het bedrijfsleven. Zij traint multinationale teams hun interculturele communicatievaardigheden te verbeteren.
Carly is auteur en concept auteur van onderwijs methodes.
Carly Klein advises executives and school board members in teaching strategies and language acquisition theories to give participants the confidence to oversee a thriving multilingual program in their own school or company. She is also author and concept author of several primary education teaching methods. For corporate clients and businesses, Carly combines cultural study with language acquisition practice to strengthen a company’s ability to operate in a multicultural environment. And thus improve their intercultural communication.